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百威 一帆之声 cssw 歌扬 国光电器 Crest Audio
一帆之声 efanpro


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恩平市一帆之声音响器材厂 是一家专业从事音响设备和相关演艺器材研发、生产、销售以及国际商贸服务的现代化企业。目前,产品涵盖了专业音响、影院音响、数字娱乐、舞台音响、会议音响等多个音响领域,我们坚持走自主创新的发展道路,坚持“以人为本”的发展方针。我们严格要求从原材料到生产到品管以及每道生产工序,先后引进多款国内外品牌生产设备和检测仪器;严谨的生产管理,加上严格的品质监控,先后研制生产了多系列技术水平含量高、适应销路的音频设备产品。 我们信守"品质至优、服务至上、精益求精"的原则。一帆音响给您带来的将是高品质高配置单元结合优质用料和完善的制作工艺缔造出价格合理的专业音响产品! 一帆是一个快速增长的专业音频制造商和销售公司,专门从事专业喇叭和音乐设备及配件。致力于满足客户的需求,提供各种各样的高质量的仪器与具有竞争力的价格和优质的服务。一帆的力量在于每个员工的承诺,将擅长在各自领域的专业知识和努力为我们所有的客户提供最好的产品和服务。我们的团队:我们努力提供一个安全的、有益的、快乐的工作环境给我们所有的员工。我们努力加强沟通应用我们的产品和服务,我们的客户和公众的信息和知识。我们的任务不仅是销售音响,还为客户提供最好的和独特的售前、售后服务。一帆的愿景:公司的愿景是一个世界级的音乐产品和服务提供商。本着这一愿景,公司努力一直保持在快速变化的音乐行业的前沿,采用最新的技术和趋势,保证产品质量。
cssw cssw


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 专业音响的研发、生产及销售及服务的高科技电子综合性企业,公司坐落于美丽的广州市白云区神山工业园,交通便利,环境优雅,技术力量雄厚,拥有完全自主知识产权的音响品牌。尤其是在系统工程、技术开发、声学工程等领域已经建立了一支高科技团队。 自成立以来,不断推出深受业界喜爱和认可的产品,凭借着自身产品在品质、技术上的优势, CSSW 音响迅速的在中国大陆建立了完善的销售网络,其产品遍布中国的大江南北,并逐步走向国际市场,深受业界推崇。 为进一步强化CSSW音响品牌的国际化、专业化,我们终坚持“质量、技术与价格互相依存”的产品理念,并将这种产品理念应用到产品生产及原材料应用细节的每个方面。每项产品都要经过声学软件LMS、DAAS和AP等计算机辅助软件进行严格测试。同时所有产品都需要经过耐高温、超负载等各项性能指标测试,保证产品质量符合3C, CE,ROSH等标准,对生产过程严格把关,做到质量上的精益求精。不断推行“6S”的管理理念。不断进取、努力开拓、奋勇向前,为客户提供更加完善的产品及服务承诺!    企业文化: 创业创新是cssw文化不变的基因。这一基因将会形成永远变化的市场上保持竞争优势的核心能力特征。 创业精神即企业家精神,鼓励每个员工都应具有企业家精神,把自己当成企业主人,把企业当成自己的家。 创新精神的本质就是创造差异化,包括产品的差异化,市场战略的差异化,只有不断创新,企业的生命力才会旺盛,产品才具备足够强的竞争力。 合作共赢是不变的信念。 智者借力而行,通过合作,创造共赢,无疑是企业发展的理想途径。坚持和客户形成一个利益共同体,共赢共享共创价值。     选择的理由 行业聚焦:在音响行业,我们拥有14年的经验结晶;在专业功率放大器生产领域,我们专注10年。 全面的产品:我们拥有多系列产品,以满足您的需求。涵盖包括政企,演出以及娱乐等多方面应用场所。 竞争力的价格:与我们的竞争对手很多,所以我们追求的是一流的质量、成熟技术与最实惠的价格,实现最优化的资源配置 全面的客户服务:为不同客户提供个性化定制的方案。你需要的一切,是我们的命令!完善到位的售后服务,是我们的骄傲! 可伸缩服务:从技术咨询到工程介入,从产品研发到营销,从服务到品牌,全程服务支援。 结果:只有您的试用后的结果可以证明以上的内容
国光电器 GGEC


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    国光电器股份有限公司前身为广州国光电声总厂,创建时间可追溯至1951年,是全球知名的电声制造厂商,成立至今一直从事电声、电子产品的设计、生产、销售,目前产品覆盖了电声配件、扬声器单元、音响系统、数字功放、聚合物锂电池等。国光电器于2005年5月23日在中国深圳证券交易所挂牌上市(股票代码:002045),截至2018年末,公司总股本为468,383,913元,总资产超过48亿元,2018年实现营业收入超过40亿元。拥有在职员工5125人。 公司具有从扬声器关键零部件,到扬声器单元、音箱系统及电子功放一体化的综合配套能力,六十多年的历史、六十多年的专注、六十多年的积淀凝聚了一批优秀的电声行业管理及研发人才,形成了自己独特、有效的科研攻关体系,建立了一支技术专业齐全、综合实力雄厚的研发队伍。779余名研发人员,284项专利设计(国内)+4项国外专利,每年开发200多项新产品,设备先进的消音室、声学测试中心,274条各类音响产品生产线,扬声器日生产能力35万只,电子功放日生产能力3万套,音箱日生产能力12万套,锂离子电池日生产能力12万只的生产能力让国光能够满足市场不同领域和不同客户的研发和生产需求。 在质量管理系统方面公司采用国际标准,从1994年开始实施ISO9001质量管理体系,之后相继通过了ISO/TS16949质量体系及ISO14001环境管理体系认证,公司检测中心还通过了CNAS的ISO/IEC17025认可,在生产中采用与国际同步的工艺、设备及控制流程,产品各项质量指标得到可靠保证,公司从设计到采购、进料检验、仓储物流、生产、成品检验、销售和售后服务形成了全过程质量控制系统。 1994年:通过ISO9000认证 2003 年:通过 ISO14001认证 2005年:通过 ISO/TS16949认证 2006 年: 通过RoHS Compliant 认证 2007 年: 可靠性实验室通过ISO/IEC17025认证 2010年7月:通过QC080000认证 2010年7月:获得SONY GP认证 2010年12月:获得OHSAS18001认证 独有的研发设计和生产管控团队,日臻完善的质量管理体系,持续稳健的经营策略,为公司赢得了来自各个方面的荣誉,包括“信用企业”、“重点企业”、“创新型企业”、“诚信企业”等,随着公司不断提升智能制造能力以及公司多类型的产品线,包括多媒体音响、专业音响、消费类音响、通讯类音响等也使得公司拥有长期稳定的优质客户群,并不断给公司带来新的市场机会和发展空间。 放眼未来,公司将充分利用专业设计和生产扬声器的传统优势,逐步加大对自主知识产权技术的研发力度,紧紧围绕“让生活更美好”的企业愿景,以产生良好的社会效益和经济效益为目标,国光人一直都秉承“以人为本,为员工创造机会,为股东创造效益,为社会承担责任”的经营宗旨,牢记“精细高效,诚信负责,创新友爱”价值观,并把价值观的精髓和“踏实、勤奋、精细、果断、革新、快速、负责、公正、自强、友爱”的国光作风贯穿到工作始终,把电声产业逐步做大做强,力争打造成为世界一流的电声专业集团!
Crest Audio Crest Audio


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THE HISTORY OF PEAVEY COMMERCIAL AUDIOPeavey Commercial Audio is one of the world’s largest manufacturer of audio hardware. With over 50 years of professional audio product design and manufacturing experience, the Peavey Commercial Audio product range is specifically engineered for professionally integrated audio and control applications. Including all elements of the signal chain, from microphones to processors to mixers and power amplifiers right through to loudspeakers, all supporting universal 110V-250V power requirements, Peavey Commercial Audio products are specified into in the world’s most prestigious venues and installations worldwide. Established in 1965, and recognized world wide as a leading manufacturer of professional audio equipment and integrated solutions, Peavey Commercial Audio’s brands of MediaMatrix, Crest Audio and Peavey professional sound reinforcement are seen, and heard, in more than 10,000 systems around the globe. Peavey Commercial Audio, through its MediaMatrix product line, launched in 1993 and pioneered the digital signal processing industry for commercial audio installations. Today, Peavey remains the leading authority in digital signal and control processing, setting the bar for all others to follow. Together with its amplification and live performance brand – Crest Audio, acquired in 1999 – Peavey Commercial Audio continues the legacy of the world’s most trusted, powerful and reliable touring-class sound reinforcement tools. A global leader in designing and manufacturing power amplifiers for live performance, our portfolio also covers commercial and networked audio distributed public address sound systems, including digital mixing consoles for live and installed audio markets. Peavey Commercial Audio’s multi award winning products from input through output to control and monitoring continue to be the most specified and installed, relied on to perform without fault, with 24/7-365 reliability being an integral part of the world’s largest, most prestigious and identifiable landmarks. About Media Matrix:Peavey revolutionized the audio industry in 1993 with MediaMatrix, the world’s first digitally configured and controlled distributed audio system. Today, MediaMatrix remains the most scalable, flexible and specified digital audio distribution and processing system, boasting more than 10,000 installations worldwide. MediaMatrix gives audio system operators the tools to configure and reconfigure networked audio systems in the world’s most demanding environments on demand, whether from a computer, touch screen or even an iOS device. MediaMatrix serves the high-end audio market with the most powerful digital signal processors, software and user-control tools for creating the world’s most elaborate audio systems via computer. As sophisticated as it is user-friendly, audio engineers use MediaMatrix to design systems on screen, then bring the sound design to life with a quick click of the mouse. Multiple audio configurations and zones are saved as presets and recalled at a moment’s notice without physically rewiring or switching out components, and every component in the house can be tweaked right from the mouse pad. It’s no wonder why MediaMatrix is the leading platform for the audio, communications and integrated media industries and the established standard in configurable audio systems throughout the world. Since its debut installation in the U.S. Capitol in 1994, MediaMatrix can be found in more than 10,000 permanent installations in stadiums, casinos, government and transportation facilities, theme parks and other large venues around the world, including: the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games; the Parliament Houses of China, New Zealand, Russia and Germany; Beijing, Hong Kong and Heathrow international airports; the Bellagio, Mirage, Mandalay Bay and MGM Grand in Las Vegas; Six Flags theme parks; and many more. About Crest Audio:Legendary for its powerful and reliable touring-class sound reinforcement tools, Crest Audio is a global leader in designing and manufacturing power amplifiers for live, commercial and networked sound systems, and a complete line of mixing consoles for live and installed audio markets. Crest Audio burst onto the audio scene in the late 1970s with the singular goal of advancing live sound through bulletproof engineering. The low noise, high headroom and live sound features Crest Audio was able to pack into its mixers set a new industry standard, and they immediately became indispensable on the touring circuit. Crest Audio soon found ways to incorporate more punch into everything from preamps to loudspeakers and everything on the rack in between. Crest Audio’s product line quickly established a reputation within the industry as innovatively rugged pro audio solutions capable of logging millions of road miles, while stadiums around the world adopted the company’s NexSys® computer-based network. A testament to Crest Audio’s heritage of quality, these products have outlasted most of the bands they toured with. Crest Audio is a company after Peavey’s own heart, so it made perfect sense when Peavey acquired Crest in 1999. Still sold under the strong Crest Audio name, the product line continues to deliver more features and more reliability than ever.


